A place where you can savor natural wines and unique cocktails, while immersing yourself in music that flows like forest rain, offering an experience like no other.
古今東西からセレクトされた静謐で心地良い音楽が店内で流れ、時折、自然音も響く。最新鋭/最高峰と名高い1 SOUND社製のスピーカー10基を天井に配置。Sound Forestのコンセプトの如く、解像度高い音像が森の木々から降り注ぐように全身を包み込む。
A carefully curated selection of serene and pleasant music from across the ages and around the world fills the space, accompanied occasionally by the sounds of nature. Ten state-of-the-art speakers from the renowned 1 SOUND company are installed in the ceiling. True to the concept of a Sound Forest, the high-resolution sound envelops you, cascading down like the trees in a forest.
特大のチークの古木を使用した巨大なシンボルツリーが3本、店内でゲストを見守るように佇む。 さらに、独特の存在感を放つ多肉植物や希少価値の高いユーフォルビア、熱帯植物ビカクシダや南米や中米に生息するチランジアなど、世界各地で買い付けてきた珍しい植物が生い茂り、架空の森を築く。
Three massive, ancient teak trees stand as symbolic guardians within the space, watching over guests. Additionally, the store boasts a unique collection of succulents, rare euphorbias, tropical staghorn ferns, and Tillandsias from South and Central America. These rare plants, sourced from around the world, create an imaginary forest that thrives within the space.
常時120種以上の優れたナチュラルワインを世界中から厳選し、セラーで徹底管理。そして、 “香り”をテーマにした、クラシックカクテルをベースに、日本のスピリッツや季節の素材を用いたツイストスタイルのシグネチャーカクテル6種類を提供。更に、貴重なメスカルや日本産ウイスキー、日本酒、焼酎と、幅広くラインナップ。
Over 120 varieties of outstanding natural wines from around the world are carefully selected and meticulously managed in the cellar. Six signature cocktails are offered, each a twist on classic cocktails, themed around "aroma" and made with Japanese spirits and seasonal ingredients. The extensive lineup also includes rare mezcal, Japanese whisky, sake, and shochu.
Our menu boasts a diverse lineup ranging from uniquely updated Japanese street food to hearty, satisfying meals that will fill you up.